The Travelling Gourmet’s SAS Scallops!

The inspiring Travelling Gourmet introduces his healthy yet very tasteful scallops…simple  to cook…superb on the palate…

The Travelling GourmetTM’s

SAS (Sauteed & Sweet) SCALLOPS

All rights reserved

4 Servings


12 Scallops or 24 for bigger appetites (quite large about 4-5mm in diameter)

From Sustainable & environment friendly sources as far as possible

24 or 48 Basil leaves

Japanese Radish aka Daikon

1 Carrot

1 Cucumber/Zucchini

Mirin, Sake and Soy for the Salad Dressing

White Sesame Seeds for garnish


Cut Scallop Medallions partly through like you would a hamburger bun but not completely.

Lightly season with freshly ground Sarawak Black Pepper. Very sparingly sprinkle with Maldon Sea Salt.

Carefully insert 2 Basil leaves (or one to your taste) into each scallop. Like you would with a beef patty into a burger bun.

Cut the vegetables into fine Julienne 1mm by 1mm by 6mm, then soak in cold water and drain the water away just before serving.

Heat 2 Tbs of oil – extra virgin Olive Oil from Italy or Turkey

Saute both sides of the scallops lightly. The inside of the scallops must be slightly raw or just cooked (not overcooked) or it will not be yummie.

Suggested plating is a centerpiece of the Vegetables Julienne salad drizzled with the Japanese-inspired dressing and sprinkled with the sesame seeds for aromacity. The scallops will form a ring around the salad ‘tower’ like the roads emanating from the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

May be served with hot buttered “al dente” Orecchiette pasta (by Barilla or any other leading Italian brand) from Puglia in Italy.

ENJOY your healthy hors d’oeuvre/light entree! 🙂

I recommend a lovely Bisol Cartizze Prosecco di Valdobbiadene with this dish or Taittinger Rose NV Champagne…Chin! Chin! Food and Wine lovers! (I loathe and detest that word ‘foodie…and that phrase ‘to die for’… What the hell can you taste when you are dead??? NOTHING! Asinine…moronic…)


About thetravellinggourmet

As a renowned Travel, Food & Wine Writer he has travelled the world in a keen & indomitable pursuit of exotic delicacies & fine wines. His articles have been published in over 20 prestigious publications, both local & international. Dr. Lim has toured and trained in Wine Evaluation & Oenology in most of the world's top wine producing areas from France to Australia. The Travelling Gourmet says, "Gastronomy has no frontier. These are the gastronomic voyages of The Travelling Gourmet. My unending mission. To explore strange new cuisines, to seek out new wines and new culinary experiences, to boldly go where no gourmet has gone before...." Have pen, will travel. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any other information storage & retrieval system, without permission from Dr. Michael Lim The Travelling Gourmet and/or MSN. Material may be works of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents may be true but may also be products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance whatsoever to actual person or persons, either dead or living, events, or locales may be entirely and purely coincidental and unintentional. No part of this website may be used to villify others or for criminal purposes. Interests: Travel, Food, Wines, Cooking, Wine Appreciation, Parachuting, Languages, Music, Reading, Swimming, Hunting, Ballet, Fencing, Archery, Anthropology and more... The Travelling Gourmet is a copyrighted trademark. All rights and photos reserved. No part may be reproduced without permission.
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