The resourceful and debonair Travelling Gourmet TM travels to a remote part of the island in the pouring Monsoon rain to appreciate the true…

MEANING of Bodacious. The word means ‘bold’ and I found this new Bistro/Wine Bar called Bodacious to be…

MOST attractive. BODACIOUS also means ‘attractive’, by the way. Here in the heart of Academia where boffins and “mad” Scientists work in a place aptly called Biopolis, is a place for live music to let your hair down over some good beers, nice wines and yummie FOOD! Yes, they come here after doing research into weird and wonderful projects with A-STAR scholars…No need for neck ties and stylo-mylo attire. Cool and casual is the order of the day. ON the far wall where the band plays is a mural…more of a collage. Legendary movie stars unknown to most are there. The stars are from the Golden Age of Hollwood. I was speaking to a lovely lady recently and told her about superstar Clint “Dirty Harry” Eastwood…She said with a stunned look as her beautiful brown eyes parted slightly, “Clint who?” OMG! Es ist mir Currywurst. Not everyone is onto retro… Anyway, Clint is not on the wall. However, Humphrey “Casablanca” Bogart is. Yes, you might have guessed that I am into retrospective movies. You are right. Rock Hudson is there too, and Fred Astaire, dancer extraordinaire. Ol’ Blue Eyes, Frank Sinatra too! I love retro! The atmosphere is very relaxed and coooool…but enough…what matters is the FOOD!

Shades of Casanova!

Oh, La! La! OYSTERS! I adore oysters! So did Casanova. Casanova ate 144 oysters before his romantic escapades! Sacre bleu! Mon Dieu! How did he eat 12 dozen oysters??? Mind boggling. Rest assured that the oysters here are of top quality. In some restaurants, even the good ones, you may have an upset tummy after eating oysters. Not here. I love my oysters au naturel, jut eat them off the shell is the gourmet way. If you really must…a squeeze of lemon. When they are really fresh, you can see some slight movement when the oyster’s muscles reacts to the acid in the juice. It is an old gourmet trick. Also, the sour citric acid enhances the flavor like a good sparkling wine! N’est pas, mes amis! They have Champagne and Prosecco and Cava too.

The Manager who has a share in this restaurant is smart and humble Steven Ho, one of the nicest restauranteurs I have the honour to call my friend.  Ever helpful, he will recommend dishes that are to your taste and liking.


Bodacious Steven Ho20170610_211829_resized


The food here is not “hoity- toity yahya-papaya” food but good, solid comfort food which is what makes diners come back for more! The day of Molecular gastronomy is passe as the French say. My good friend, 3 Michelin Star Chef Georges Blanc says so, and I believe him. Rest assured for those not a fan of molecular…there is NO molecular foamy Espuma and liquid Nitrogen frozen stuff here. Thank the Buddha!

Scrumptious Sliders to ski down Mount Everest for…and survive!

Bodacious Sliders20170610_210347_resized




Bodacious Map 20170701_173318_resized



Bodacious Bar & Bistro

70 Biopolis Street


Singapore 138547

Tel: 6778 9585

Reservations recommended especially on Fridays




I love hotdogs!

Too much Sugar is bad…






Audentis Fortuna iuvat.

(Fortune favours the BOLD)

Who Dares Wins!

About thetravellinggourmet

As a renowned Travel, Food & Wine Writer he has travelled the world in a keen & indomitable pursuit of exotic delicacies & fine wines. His articles have been published in over 20 prestigious publications, both local & international. Dr. Lim has toured and trained in Wine Evaluation & Oenology in most of the world's top wine producing areas from France to Australia. The Travelling Gourmet says, "Gastronomy has no frontier. These are the gastronomic voyages of The Travelling Gourmet. My unending mission. To explore strange new cuisines, to seek out new wines and new culinary experiences, to boldly go where no gourmet has gone before...." Have pen, will travel. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any other information storage & retrieval system, without permission from Dr. Michael Lim The Travelling Gourmet and/or MSN. Material may be works of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents may be true but may also be products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance whatsoever to actual person or persons, either dead or living, events, or locales may be entirely and purely coincidental and unintentional. No part of this website may be used to villify others or for criminal purposes. Interests: Travel, Food, Wines, Cooking, Wine Appreciation, Parachuting, Languages, Music, Reading, Swimming, Hunting, Ballet, Fencing, Archery, Anthropology and more... The Travelling Gourmet is a copyrighted trademark. All rights and photos reserved. No part may be reproduced without permission.
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